Class GooseFEM::Mesh::Hex8::FineLayer#

class FineLayer : public GooseFEM::Mesh::RegularBase3d<FineLayer>#

Mesh with fine middle layer, and coarser elements towards the top and bottom.

Public Functions

inline FineLayer(size_t nelx, size_t nely, size_t nelz, double h = 1.0, size_t nfine = 1)#


  • nelx – Number of elements (along the middle layer) in horizontal (x) direction.

  • nely – Approximate equivalent number of elements in vertical (y) direction.

  • nelz – Number of elements (along the middle layer) in depth (z) direction.

  • h – Edge size (width == height == depth) of elements along the weak layer.

  • nfine – Extra number of fine layers around the middle layer. By default the element size is kept smaller than the distance to the middle layer.

inline array_type::tensor<size_t, 1> elementsMiddleLayer() const#

Elements in the middle (fine) layer.


List of element numbers (copy, involves computation).